Commercial & Concert Promo 2013

Guys! Remember when I told y’all that the U By Kotex crew thought my life was cool and followed me around to film a week in my world? And that I’d have an online commercial to show for this soon? Well, friends, here’s that commercial! Eeeee! :

I’m a total goofball, I know.

As I also mentioned a bit ago, the U By Kotex peeps really loved my silly self and sent me to Detroit to film for the second time–This time to film for a pre-show promo at Bruno Mars’ and American Idol tours. They were even amazing enough to send me to one of these concerts with extra tickets and very up-close-and-personal seats. I brought my husband and two girlfriends along and we had an absolute blast dancing the night away to Ellie Goulding and Bruno Mars. (Girlfriends and I were absolutely smitten with Bruno and his sexy Michael-Jackson-esque moves by the end of the concert.)



It was also pretty darn neat and incredibly surreal to watch myself, pre-show, playing on a mega-screen at the concert. And amusing to watch people around us as they begin to notice why my group was taking pictures of and freaking out over said mega-screen. One teenage girl looked at the screen, then looked back to me, then looked back at the screen. (And repeat.) In awe, she eventually asked, “Is that you?!!?” When I responded yes and explained what it was for, her response was an adorable, “That is sooooo cool.” Hubby and friend seated next to me proceeded to tell me that I was famous, and then we all continued dancing, singing and laughing the night away.

Who knew that going to an audition on a whim would lead to all of this incredibleness? It’s been an awesome reminder to always follow two cheesy rules: Never don’t try and always do you. Who knows, maybe you’ll even end up sponsoring feminine products on a mega-screen for a pop-star’s concert.

15 thoughts on “Commercial & Concert Promo 2013

    • …// //இந த இந த த வ , ப ர ப பனர , த ர வ ட வ மர சனங கள வ ட த த ந ங கள தன மன தன க உங கள ப ற ப ப கள ல எத ய வத ந ங கள வ த ட ம மக கள க க க ச ய வத ன ல ஒன ற ய வத ச ல ல ங கள .// //தன ப பட ட ம ற ய ல என ன ச ய த ம என பத ம ன ப ன த ர ய த, தனத அட ய ளத த மற க க றவர கள டம எட த த க க ற ம த வ ஏத வத இர க க றத ?ச த அட ப பட ய ல ன ஒட க க ம ற கள என பவ – தன மன த க ரணங கள ல ந கழ பவ அல ல, அவ ‘ஒர வர அவர இன ன க ட டத த ச ர ந தவர ‘ என பதற க க ஒட க கப பட வத ய ம ச ரண டப பட வத ய ம க ற க க றத .ப ர க தம ச ய பவர உயர ந தவர , ச ர ப ப த த ப பவர த ழ ந தவர என பத ன அட ப பட என ன? தன மன தர அல லத க ட டம ? ச ர ப ப த க க ம க ப ப ச ம உயர ந தவன , ச ர ப ப த க க ம ம ர யப பன த ழ ந தவன என ற இர க க றத ?ந ங கள நல லவர க ட டவர என பத ம க க யம ல ல . ந ங கள உங கள அட ய ளப பட த த க க ள ள ம க ட டம எத தக யத ? என பத த ன ம க க யம ஒத க கப பட வத தன மன தர கள அல ல – க ட டம (This is group discrimination – not ivdniidual discrimination).

  1. Meg says:

    “Who knows, maybe you’ll even end up sponsoring feminine products on a mega-screen for a pop-star’s concert.”

    Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    I love you so much and cannot wait to see you when the time is right in both of our busy, busy lives. i also read your previous graduation blog and it was so very sweet and your family is just as secretly emotional and thoughtful as you are! as much as you all try to hid it lol. Also, your dad has gone grey! don’t tell him i said that, he still looks the same just grey. 🙂

  2. Rach @ This Italian Family says:

    O. M. GEE. You are just so adorable! Seriously, who else could be that adorable while talking about her period?! Just love this!

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